Apr 26, 2021
In this episode: Hance divulges his shameless trick for flying in style, his daughter’s savvy 7th-grade sales strategy, and the most impressive way to follow up after an interview. He also shares the two words that do not mix and recalls the powerful nine-word speech that brought the house down.
Apr 26, 2021
In this episode: Hance divulges his shameless trick for flying in style, his daughter’s savvy 7th-grade sales strategy, and the most impressive way to follow up after an interview. He also shares the two words that do not mix and recalls the powerful nine-word speech that brought the house down.
Apr 19, 2021
In this episode: Only Kent Hance could go to the wrong funeral, be asked to speak, and make it through undetected! In this hilarious episode about communication, Hance’s stories illuminate the importance of saying things clearly and concisely. He tells us about Miss Littlepage, his high school bookkeeping teacher,...
Apr 12, 2021
In this episode: How did the White House persuade Ed Whitacre to help save General Motors, and what was the personal reason he agreed to take the job? How did he catapult GM from bankruptcy to a billion-dollar profit powerhouse within months? And which GM model sells like hotcakes in China as a luxury vehicle? Kent and...
Apr 5, 2021
In this Episode: Kent Hance talks with Ed Whitacre, the former chairman and CEO of two of the largest corporations in the nation, General Motors and AT&T. Whitacre tells us what he really thought about Kent when they first met in college and why it’s sometimes okay to be the second choice. He also discusses the...